Connecticut Town Goes LED, Saving $338,000 Per Year

 In LED Lighting

Officials in West Haven, Connecticut, are announcing the town will save $338,000 per year in electrical costs as a result of switching to LED street lights.

West Haven Mayor Ed O’Brien signed a UI streetlight conversion contract on Sept. 26. The contract calls for UI to retrofit the city’s existing “cobra-head” streetlight fixtures and replace the existing high-pressure sodium lights with brighter, high-efficiency LED lights.

Converting to LED streetlights has become a common move among energy efficient cities. Just this week, officials in Portland, Maine, announced the city would be switching to LED streetlights. And in August, Phoenix officially began its city-wide initiative to replace all 90,000 street lights — plus lighting at its park facilities — with LED bulbs. By replacing all existing street lights with LED bulbs, the city expects to achieve a total net savings of approximately $22 million through 2030.

Back in 2013, Las Vegas officials announced the city saved $2 million per year by switching to LED streetlights.

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