Data Show LED Lamps Are Providing Huge Energy Savings

 In LED Lighting

PIRO4D from Pixabay

According to data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) “Residential Energy Consumption Survey,” U.S. households consumed an average of 1,105 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity for lighting in 2015 (the most recent data available), which represented about 10 percent of total electricity consumption in homes.

Lighting consumption, however, varies widely by geographic area. Using the nine U.S. Census national geographical divisions, average lighting consumption was the least in the Pacific (911 kWh) followed by New England (932 kWh), then Middle Atlantic (1,014 kWh), Mountain (1,051 kWh), East North Central (1,069 kWh), East South Central (1,200 kWh), West South Central (1,218 kWh), South Central (1,224 kWh) and West North Central (1,333 kWh).

According to the EIA, lighting electricity consumption is based on three factors: the number of lamps, the hours of usage and the types of lamps used. Furthermore, according to the report, “Of these factors, types and number of bulbs explain most of the variation in consumption across census divisions. Reported hours of usage are approximately the same throughout the country.” The report went on to note that homes with fewer incandescent lamps tended to have lower lighting consumption.

According to research the EIA gleaned from the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA), the popularity of LEDs continues to increase. NEMA reported that, in the third quarter of 2018, general service LED lamps accounted for 65 percent of lamp shipments, followed by halogen (28 percent) and compact fluorescent lamps (7 percent).

Traditional incandescent general service lamps are no longer available in U.S. stores.

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