Is This The End of T12 Lamps and Ballasts?

 In News

What’s Happening?

  • Manufacturers are phasing out production of T12 lamps and ballasts.
  • Less availability of T12 lamps and ballasts.
  • Increased costs, up to triple the normal price, because of supply and demand of T12 lamps and ballasts.
  • To meet energy efficient federal regulations, manufacturers will focus on T8 and T5 lamp and ballast production.
  • There’s a limited opportunity to access incentive funds from utility companies for T12 lighting upgrades.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are T12s being phased out?
T12 lamps and magnetic ballasts are considered outdated with energy efficient T8s andT12 Phase Out T5s on the market. The U.S. Department of Energy wants to take less efficient T12s off the market, and increase lighting energy efficiency for businesses and organizations.

What energy savings will I see if I upgrade my lights?
Several different lighting upgrade options can be selected that could result in energy savings of up to 40 percent. You could also see a one to three year simple payback.

Why are T12 upgrade incentives only offered for a limited time?
Once the U.S. Department of Energy mandate becomes effective, T12 systems will commonly be removed. Retrofitting T12 systems will be the only option for maintaining old, inefficient lighting systems. Energy efficient fund incentive programs will likely not support commercial and industrial T12 system retrofits in the future.

Will some T12 systems continue to be manufactured?
Yes. The following will continue to be manufactured:

  • T12 ballasts designed to dim fixtures more than 50 percent of their full light output.
  • T12 ballasts driving 8 foot, high output fixtures designed for outdoor advertising.
  • T12 ballasts designed and labeled for use in residential applications.

Should T12 magnetic ballast systems be changed gradually or all at once?
In order to take advantage of incentive programs, a project must upgrade the lighting system as a whole, not as individual fixture upgrades.

Do you have questions about T12s or want to get yours replaced while rebates and incentives are still available? Give us a call 330.676.0425 or send us an email One of our lighting experts will perform a comprehensive site audit and compile a detailed energy analysis based off the most energy efficient lighting design for your facility.