LED Lighting Academy Launched, Certified LED Professional Designation to be Offered

 In LED Lighting, News

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) March 26, 2013

Eco & Eco LLC is proud to establish the LED Lighting Academy. The Academy is designed to provide a standard knowledge base for professionals and novices who are now, or wish to be, involved in the Light Emitting Diode (LED) industry. The curriculum will move from the history of lighting to comparative lighting to hands-on training with different LED lights and lighting systems.

The Academy will provide both theoretical and practical knowledge from instructors wholedlightingacademy have both academic and field experience, including highly-qualified guest lecturers who will speak from their industry leadership positions.

While the industry can be very confusing, due to the many false claims from manufacturers about the true efficacy rates, energy savings, and actual delivered light output, the Academy will help its students understand the facts so they can be a resource for their customers, leading to greater success of all concerned. Students will learn the basis for financial analysis, including internal rates of return, net present values and paybacks.

They will also learn how to perform a lighting audit and generate all the necessary data needed to prepare an accurate financial analysis, including federal tax credits and utility company incentives. As there is a lot of FREE money available to clients to help offset the upfront costs, it is critical to understand these facets.

The Academy will provide both general and specific product information, but is not tied to any specific manufacturer. While the Academy can be tailored to a specific client’s needs, this session will help students attain their goals in whatever part of the industry they work, or wish to work. To succeed in the LED lighting industry, it is critical to understand that the industry will reach its potential only when those in it understand the energy-saving basis of success.

In order to move the industry forward, we are establishing a certification process, offering a Certified LED Professional (CLEDP) designation. This will recognize professionals for their leadership and allow their colleagues and customers to know that they are a pillar who has contributed to the strength of LED lighting.

Eco & Eco LLC is an organization dedicated to the belief that sustainability occurs only when both ecological and economic paths cross—hence our name. One without the other is not sustainable. We seek leading products to move forward. Because we are not tied to any manufacturer, we are free to choose the best products to champion, and are constantly searching for them. More importantly, we wish to find and help develop dedicated professionals.

Each session will last three days. The first will be held April 30-May 2 in Los Angeles.