Our 2 Year Anniversary Countdown | Recreational

 In Client Projects

As USIlluminations reaches our two year anniversary on March 11th (hooray!) we take a look back at some of the projects we’ve done over the past two years that have helped clients conserve energy, reduce maintenance costs and enhance their work environments.

Today, we look at two of our recreational facility clients.

Lights run in recreational facilities for extended periods of time, resulting in high electricity bills. Even when patrons aren’t in the facility, lights may be left on for a janitorial crew. By installing energy efficient lights you can reduce energy costs and heat gain. Also, indirect up lighting reflects off the ceiling, reducing glare for patrons.


Total kWh Savings: 152,556
CO2 Reduced (lbs.): 161,226
Total Annual Savings: $17,158
Annual Energy Cost Reduction: 55%

  • Removed (60) 1000w Metal Halide fixtures and installed (21) new 16 lamp and (14) new 12 lamp direct/indirect F54T5HO fixtures. Those 60 fixtures went from using 64,800 watts to only 35 fixtures using 29,484 watts – a 35,316 watt savings!



Total kWh Savings: 77,369
CO2 Reduced (lbs.): 81,089
Total Annual Savings: $9,907
First Year ROI (after rebate): 83%

    • Retrofit (113) F40T12 eco 2 lamp fixtures with (113) F28T8/SPX41 2 lamp fixtures. That’s a 3,616 watt savings.
    • Relamped (49) 120w Par38 fl. With 18w Par30s. That’s a 4,998 watt savings.