Our 2 Year Anniversary Countdown

 In Client Projects

As USIlluminations reaches our two year anniversary on March 11th (hooray!) we take a look back at some of the projects we’ve done over the past two years that have helped clients conserve energy, reduce maintenance costs and enhance their work environments.

Today, we look at three of our clients in the automotive, salon and veterinary industries.


Total kWh Savings: 14,440
CO2 Reduced (lbs.): 8,486
Energy Consumption Savings: $1,444
First Year ROI (after rebate): 139%



Total kWh Savings: 34,454
CO2 Reduced (lbs.): 8,567
Total Annual Savings: $5,474
First Year ROI (after rebate): 341%

  • Relamped (22) 75w Par30s to 8w Par20s. That’s a 1,474 watt savings.
  • Relamped (133) 50w Par30 track lighting to (120) 8w Par20s. That’s a savings of 5,690 watts.


UniontownVet Total Watts Reduced: 2,336
CO2 Reduced (lbs.): 9,164
Total 5 Year Savings: $5,320

  • Retrofit (13) F40T12 fixtures with F28T8 fixtures, a 598 watt savings.
  • Relamped (2) 250w Metal Halides with 35w LEDs, saving 520 watts.