Phoenix Replaces 100,000 Street Lights With LEDs, Looks to Save $3.5 Million Annually

 In LED Lighting

Credit: Pixabay

The city of Phoenix has announced it will complete a conversion project to replace nearly 100,000 municipal streetlights with high-performance LEDs. The city estimates that this conversion project will provide annual savings of approximately $3.5 million due to substantial savings in energy and maintenance costs.

The city partnered with Ameresco, who was responsible for services including a detailed investigation of utility records and GIS maps to establish city ownership and eligibility for streetlight replacement. The city selected new lighting fixtures that feature a correlated color temperature (CCT) of 2,700 Kelvin LED – the city’s new temperature standard for streetlights – and that reduce electricity use by 53%.

In collaboration with the city, Ameresco installed new streetlight fixtures and photocells citywide, as well as created a new GIS map which will serve as an operations and maintenance (O&M) tool for the city into the future.

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