DENVER – Denver International Airport (DIA) is retrofitting more than 5,400 lights located in the airport’s east and west parking garages with energy-efficient LED fixtures. The [...]
The Stockholm Concert Hall, or Konserthuset, is home to the annual Nobel Prize ceremonies and was born from a labor of love. It was completed in 1926 thanks to the efforts of members and [...]
Lights are no longer just for lighting. With the development of LED lamp technology, the lowly light bulb is doing more than turning on and off. A lamp can be the centerpiece of an environment [...]
Two areas of the home that account for most of the decorating expenditures and most of the design headaches that homeowners find themselves facing are the kitchen and the bathroom. These are [...]
The new Public Lighting Authority of Detroit is beginning a three-year plan to rebuild Detroit’s streetlighting system and downsize it to a more manageable 46,000 or so fixtures. The authority [...]
Recently school use of LED lighting has been the subject of conversation for school officials and policymakers who hope to cash in on the cost savings and other benefits of using LED. Even though [...]
As USIlluminations reaches our two year anniversary on March 11th (hooray!) we take a look back at some of the projects we’ve done over the past two years that have helped clients conserve [...]
Looking back over the past two years, as we come closer to celebrating our two year anniversary, our clients have had a great first year return on investment! When our clients are happy – we’re [...]
By Monique O’Grady This year’s holiday electric bill will probably be a belated gift. This Department of Energy stat shows why: the estimated electricity cost to light a 6-foot tree with [...]