The library is with 3,600 intelligent bookshelves provided by LED iBond, a lighting company in Demark. These customized “smart” bookshelves with advanced LED optics and IoT [...]
The Guggenhein Museum in Bilbao, Spain, recently refurbished its lighting system with solutions provided by Austrian lighting company Zumtobel. The spectacular building of the museum is [...]
Beijing Daxing International Airport in China will officially open on September 30. The world’s largest airport covers a total of 1.4 million square meters and is expected to handle more than 100 [...]
Signify has turned Orange Velodrome in Marseille, France, into the largest 100% LED stadium in the country. The company’s connected lighting system Interact Sports also integrate light, sound and [...]
The global LED lighting market reached $26.09 billion in 2016 and is likely to cross $54.28 billion by the end of 2022, growing at a CAGR of almost 13% from 2017 to 2022. That’s according to data [...]
Children’s Hospitals, spread across the US and located in Canada and Australia, do a fantastic job of helping even very sick children believe that better health is on the way. Still, entering any [...]
Philips Lighting has announced an LED architectural lighting project installed on the historic Big Four Bridge that links Louisville, KY and Jeffersonville, IN across the Ohio River. The dynamic, [...]
Michigan State University has announced the results of a long-day lighting (LDL) research project at Wing Acres Dairy in Barry County, MI. Researchers from the school’s Biosystems and [...]
Ephesus Lighting has announced that the University of Phoenix Stadium located in Glendale, AZ has installed the company’s LED-based stadium lights. The Arizona Cardinals have become the [...]