Toledo Upgrading Streetlights to LED

Credit: The Blade
Toledo Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz announced the city would soon begin converting the city’s 28,000 conventional high-pressure sodium bulb streetlights to energy-efficient LEDs with the help of Toledo Edison.
The switch is expected to save $580,000 annually on energy costs.
“We committed to converting every streetlight to LED by the end of 2021, and we are now following through with that promise to make our streets safer, more illuminated, and do so less expensively over the long run through the efficiency of LED lights,” Mayor Kapszukiewicz said. “This will save the residents and business owners of Toledo significantly over the next decade.”
The mayor says the $580,000 annual savings will cover the cost of the infrastructure upgrades. He claims there is a 10-year or better return on investment for the conversion.
The mayor was joined by Toledo Edison Regional President Rich Sweeney for the announcement.
“LED streetlights represent a significant improvement over existing street lighting technology, providing a longer service life, reduced energy consumption, and brighter, higher quality light,” Mr. Sweeney said. “We are pleased to be working with the city of Toledo on this project, which we plan to complete in 2021, which also marks Toledo Edison’s 100th year of service to the community.”
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