USI Employee Spotlight: Aaron Reichek
Learn a little more about Aaron and check out how he answered the questions below….
• Before working at USI what was your most unusual or interesting job that you had?
I was a flight attendant for 3 years prior to coming to USI. We did charter flying with the US Military, sports teams, and anybody who could afford to rent a Boeing 747.
• What are you currently binge watching?
When I get home from trips, I usually have a couple shows to catch up on. Currently it’s Hell’s Kitchen.
• If you could have any superpower what would it be?
Teleportation. I’d love to be able to get anywhere in the world in the blink of an eye.
• If you could learn anything, what would it be?
How to play an instrument. I’ve tried a few different ones and I’m convinced that I’m just musically challenged.
• When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
An Astronaut. I still want to go to space one day!
• What is one food that you cannot resist?
• Where is your favorite place to be?
On a baseball field. It’s where I’m most comfortable, confident, and has always been my escape from the world.
• What’s something you like to do the old-fashioned way?
Bourbon. I love a good Old-Fashioned!
• What is the best piece of advice that you have ever received?
Live life without a rearview mirror. You can’t change the past and your past has brought you to where you are and where you are supposed to be.
• If you had 1 free hour each day, what would you do?
Probably nap 🙂
• Do you have any strange phobias?
Clowns… terrified of clowns…
• If you could add one thing to the USI office, what would it be?
A golf simulator.
• What has been your favorite project at USI?
I’ve only been on Amazon so I’m going to have to say Amazon!
• What is your favorite part about working for USI?
The people. Everyone is so friendly and welcoming!
• People would be surprised if they knew what about you?
I am a Texas State Championship winning baseball coach.
• What is the first thing you would buy if you won the lottery?
I’d pay off all of my mom’s debts so she’d never have to worry about it any more.
• What was the best concert you ever attended?
Tough question. I’d have to say either George Strait or Metallica.
• What are you passionate about?
Coaching baseball and mentoring kids.
• What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
Worked an 8 hour flight from Baltimore to Bulgaria and went snowboarding immediately after on no sleep and two cans of Red Bull.
• What’s the best meal you’ve ever had?
When I was a senior in high school I went to Israel and spent a night out at a Bedouin camp in the desert. They prepared a huge feast and it was the best food I’ve ever tasted.
• What are some of your pet peeves?
A dirty kitchen and a lack of common sense.
Want to chat with Aaron about an upcoming project you think USI would be perfect for? Send him an email here!